Many Western journalists feel they don’t have to observe the basic journalism ethics when covering China. Sheep spend their whole life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd Russia in not just a country, it's a whole civilization
Δευτέρα 24 Μαΐου 2021
Δευτέρα 17 Μαΐου 2021
Abu Muhammad al-Jolani, leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, meets with tribes in northern Syria: ‘We are preparing for the fight but are also building institutions. Every time we build an institution, we get closer to Damascus.’?
Palestiinan lippu Ali Libanonin lippu
طبعا لم اكن انوي التكلم لكن بعد بيان قيادة الجيش رح احكي بالتفصيل بهيدي الثريد شو صار معنا بعد ما اوقفتنا مخابرات الجيش على الحدود مع فلسطين في ثكنة المخابرات في مرجعيون ليل السبت لمدة ٥ ساعات تعرضنا فيها لمعاملة سيئة و خبيثة.
Kielestä arabia kääntänyt
En tietenkään aikonut puhua, mutta armeijan komennon lausunnon jälkeen kerron Hady Al-Thareedissa yksityiskohtaisesti, mitä meille tapahtui sen jälkeen, kun armeijan tiedustelupalvelut pysäyttivät meidät Palestiinan rajalla Marjayounin tiedusteluparmissa. lauantai-iltana 5 tunnin ajan, jonka aikana meitä kohdeltiin pahoinpitelystä.
Τετάρτη 12 Μαΐου 2021
one of a number of terms aiming to capture subsets of the overall economy
Hasan IturburuSurveillance capitalism is an economic system centred around the commodification of personal data with the core purpose of profit-making. Surveillance capitalism claims our private experience as its source of free raw material and translates that raw material into behavioural data. Behavioural data is all the data that flows through social media, websites, apps, the companies youre online with, or on your phone, or as you walk through the city, or go to work or drive your car, etc. Then that behavioural data is immediately re-conceptualised as its private property: it computes it, turns it into private predictions of our behaviour then sells those predictions.[1] The concept of surveillance capitalism, as described by Shoshana Zuboff, arose as advertising companies, led by Google's AdWords, saw the possibilities of using personal data to target consumers more precisely.[2] While industrial capitalism exploited and controlled nature with devastating consequences, surveillance capitalism exploits and controls human nature with a totalitarian order as the endpoint of the development.[3]
Increased data collection may have various advantages for individuals and society such as self-optimization (Quantified Self),[4] societal optimizations (such as by smart cities) and optimized services (including various web applications). However, collecting and processing data in the context of capitalism's core profit-making motive might present a danger to human liberty, autonomy, and wellbeing. Capitalism has become focused on expanding the proportion of social life that is open to data collection and data processing.[4] This may come with significant implications for vulnerability and control of society as well as for privacy.
Economic pressures of capitalism are driving the intensification of connection and monitoring online with spaces of social life becoming open to saturation by corporate actors, directed at the making of profit and/or the regulation of action. Therefore, personal data points increased in value after the possibilities of targeted advertising were known.[5] Consequently, the increasing price of data has limited accessibility to the purchase of personal data points to the richest in society
Mohammad Salami
Diploma in English Linguistics from the Lebanese University ~ English Language Instructor ~ Senior News Editor at Al-Manar TV
محمَّد KirjatMuistio
فئة الدم أصفر + ... المذهب مقاومة، الوعي والبصيرة .
Dünyanın oyun ve eğlence yeri olmadığı idrakiyle yaşamaya çalışan bir insan.
فلاشات المقاومة الاسلامية
هو حساب شخصي يهدف الى نشر فيديوهات ،قبسات قديمة، اناشيد،عمليات المقاومة الاسلامية في زمن الاحتلال وما بعده
نرفع للحق راية.
Joe Kareh
TV Weather Anchor & Reporter
, My Tweets Only Express My Opinion
Pierre Abi-Saab
Seuraa sinua
Guetteur mélancolique متربّص كئيب
Smasher of Ziophile lies
hisham naseif Syyrian lippuPalestiinan lippu
(الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَانًا وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ)
Palestiinan lippuHasanPalestiinan lippuShoshana Zuboff writes that "analysing massive data sets began as a way to reduce uncertainty by discovering the probabilities of future patterns in the behavior of people and systems."[7] In 2014 Vincent Mosco referred to the marketing of information about customers and subscribers to advertisers as surveillance capitalism and makes note of the surveillance state alongside it.[8] Christian Fuchs found that the surveillance state fuses with surveillance capitalism.[9] Similarly, Zuboff informs that the issue is further complicated by highly invisible collaborative arrangements with state security apparatuses. According to Trebor Scholz, companies recruit people as informants for this type of capitalism.[10] Zuboff contrasts mass production of industrial capitalism with surveillance capitalism with the former being interdependent with its populations who were its consumers and employees and the latter preying on dependent populations who are neither its consumers nor its employees and largely ignorant of its procedures.[11] Their research is demonstrating that the capitalist addition to analysing massive data sets has given its beginning purpose an unexpected turn.[2] Surveillance has been changing power structures in the information economy, potentially shifting the balance of power further from nation-states and towards large corporations employing the surveillance capitalist logic.[12]
Zuboff notes that surveillance capitalism reaches beyond the conventional institutional terrain of the private firm and accumulates not only surveillance assets and capital, but also rights and operates without meaningful mechanisms of consent.[11] In other words, analysing massive data sets was at some point not only executed by the state apparatuses but also companies. In Zuboff's research, she claims that the two companies; Google and Facebook invented and transferred surveillance capitalism into "a new logic of accumulation."[2][13][14] This mutation entailed both companies gathering very large numbers of data points about their users, with the core purpose of making profit. By selling these data points to external users (particularly advertisers) it has become an economic mechanism. The combination of the analysis of massive data sets and using those data sets as a market mechanism, has shaped the concept of surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism has been heralded the successor to neoliberalism. [15] [16]
Oliver Stone, creator of the film Snowden, pointed to the location-based game Pokémon Go as the "latest sign of the emerging phenomenon and demonstration of surveillance capitalism." Stone criticised the game on the grounds that the location of its users was used not only for game purposes, but also to retrieve more information about its players. By tracking users' locations, the game collected far more information than just users' names and locations: "it can access the contents of your USB storage, your accounts, photographs, network connections, and phone activities, and can even activate your phone, when it is in standby mode." This data can then be analysed and commodified by companies such as Google (who significantly invested in the game's development) to improve the effectiveness of targeted advertisement.[17][18]
Another aspect of surveillance capitalism relates to the influence it has had on political campaigning. Personal data retrieved by data miners can enable various companies (most notoriously, Cambridge Analytica) to improve the targeting of political advertising, a step beyond the commercial ends of previous Surveillance Capitalist operations. In this way, it is possible that political parties will be able to produce far more finely targeted political advertising, to maximise its impact on the electorate. However, Doctorow writes that misuse of these data sets "will lead us towards totalitarianism."[19] This may resemble a corporatocracy, and Turow writes that "centrality of corporate power is a direct reality at the very heart of the digital age."[4][20]:17
Shoshana Zuboff
الشتاء قادم Pääkallo ja ristikkäiset luutwintar is coming
Le Vaahteranlehti| he/him/Procrastinator
Mohammad Reza
A child of Marx and Coca-Cola. .الهدف واضح و محدّد و دقيق
علي شعيب Libanonin lippu 2️⃣
Elokuvat مراسل قناة المنار و إذاعة النور Oikealle osoittavat kiertyneet nuoletAl-Manar TV / Al-Nour radio Tallennusympyrä تلغرام
مجرّد بائس يُحاول أن لا يبدو كذلك! Telecoms Engineer | MCCE
Casper كاسبر Libanonin lippu
تسقط الأجساد لا الأفكار | Resistance media
I'm what i am
Brain Nainen
Troubled Brain Aivot أمينة عام جبهة الحسابات الوهمية الموّحدة
م Palestiinan lippu
Palestinian † مليش خلاق
Imran Haider Shah
PROUD PAKISTANI Pakistanin lippuPunainen sydän, Cricket, Punainen sydän
, NIPS, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
12th imam
افرا Iranin lippu
#افرامیکس #افرامیم Military Fan, Mix, MeMeIn Zuboff's theory, surveillance capitalism is a novel market form and a specific logic of capitalist accumulation. In her 2014 essay A Digital Declaration: Big Data as Surveillance Capitalism, she characterized it as a "radically disembedded and extractive variant of information capitalism" based on the commodification of "reality" and its transformation into behavioral data for analysis and sales.[21][22][23][24] To further understand this term, Donell Holloway of Edith Cowan University in Australia says "surveillance capitalism describes a market driven process where the commodity for sale is your personal data, and the capture and production of this data relies on mass surveillance of the internet."[25]
In a subsequent 2015 article, Zuboff analyzed the societal implications of this mutation of capitalism. She differentiated surveillance assets, surveillance capital, and surveillance capitalism, along with their dependence on a global architecture of computer mediation that she calls "Big Other", a distributed and largely uncontested new expression of power which constitutes hidden mechanisms of extraction, commodification, and control that threatens core values such as freedom, democracy, and privacy.[26][4] According to Donell Holloway (2019), "currently, the biggest “Big Other” actors are Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple...together, they collect and control unparalleled quantities of data about our behaviors, which they turn into products and services.[25]
Shoshana Zuboff believes, surveillance capitalism was pioneered at Google and later Facebook, in much the same way that mass-production and managerial capitalism were pioneered at Ford and General Motors a century earlier, and has now become the dominant form of information capitalism.[11]
In her Oxford University lecture published in 2016, Zuboff identified surveillance capitalism's mechanisms and practices, including the manufacture of "prediction products" for sale in new "behavioral futures markets". She introduced the concept "dispossession by surveillance" and argued that it challenges the psychological and political bases of self-determination as it concentrates rights in the surveillance regime. This is described as a "coup from above".[27]
During an interview with The Harvard Gazette in March 2019, Zuboff states her concern for this issue began all the way back in 2007. Zuboff defines 'surveillance capitalism' as "the unilateral claiming of private human experience as free raw material for translation into behavioral data...these data are then computed and packaged as prediction products and sold into behavioral futures markets — business customers with a commercial interest in knowing what we will do now, soon, and later."[28] She goes on to say part of the initial problem was "we rushed to the internet expecting empowerment, the democratization of knowledge, and help with real problems, but surveillance capitalism really was just too lucrative to resist
سوري قومي إجتماعي
R.! 𓂆
قلباً وقالباً في اليمن
Saif Ali
نجلاء .. فقط
نشنق الخوف بالأغنيات .
𓂆 حلا #SaveSheikhJarrah
Palestiinan lippu قضاء الرملة | she/هي
فلسطين قضيّتيPalestiinan lippu
القُدسُ تَبقى للمُجَاهدِ مَقْصَدا...
الجزيرة - عاجل
Maria Tiimalasi, jossa hiekka valuu
Seuraa sinua
Anti-imperialist Socialist
Anna eshet-David
Yhdeksänhaarainen menoraOrtodoksinen ristiTähti ja kuunsirppi Daughter of Abraham ⟨she/her⟩
انيس النقاش
Official account-Amman research and strategic studies coordinator.
Seuraa sinua
Alternative Info
“Speak only when your words are more beautiful then your silence “ imam Ali (A.S)
Eastern Lion 东方军事爱好者
A Chinese student in THU. Focus on the War in Middle East and my country China. Anti-Terrorism,Wahabism,Zionism&imperialism Anti-FakeNews Kiinan lippuSyyrian lippuJemenin lippuIranin lippuVenäjän lippu
Palestiinan lippuPunainen sydän, #SaveSheikhJarrah
المارد & الكوري
وطني الكون وعاصمتي السماء، ولي الى المجد انتماء . قلمي رأية حُكمي
Verily the truth is not known through men; know the truth first and you will know its people.
Laith لَيث
Not-for Profit, Indigenous, Racialized Minority and DisAbility Broadcasting Policy & Regulation Consultant.
يوسف الجمري Bahrainin lippu
Hadi Najem
Translated videos related to the Resistance& parts from The Secrets Behind the Second Liberation. مقاطع
مترجمة من سلسلة #أسرار_التحرير_الثاني
Bouthayna Ollaik
غالب أبوزينب
Sayyed Faiz Ali Zaidi
الحمد الله الذي جعلنا من المتمسكين بولاية أمير المؤمنين علي إبن ابي طالب (عليه السلام) Hertta
Hector Oseguera, Esq.
Hudson County Progressive Hondurasin lippu & Dominikaanisen tasavallan lippu | Anti-Money Laundering Specialist | he/him |
2021 Fellow
#SaveSheikhJarrah Italian lippu Tähti ja kuunsirppi
Sicilian Muslim | Abolitionist | Aspiring human rights lawyer | Cursed with useless knowledge | He/him | BLM | Free Palestine | Liberate Yemen
Caolán McAleese
24 | Republican Socialist | MSc
#Time4Unity | #TimeForTruth Irlannin lippuKohotettu nyrkkiPalestiinan lippu
Andrea Sutton
Landscaper, drystone waller, planter, friend to wildlife and cats, Russophile, Sinophile, opponent of UK-US presence in ME
Contre L’injustice Maapallo Aasia-AustraliaKeltainen sydänLibanonin lippu
Contre l'injustice,la Barbarie et La Tyrannie-Pour la Paix totale dans le monde. Anti-Sioniste/Anti-Wahabite• #RESISTANCE #Hezbollah #SAA #Pasdaran #RealMadrid
SALW and NSAG's Researcher with a focus on MENA. | Euroopan unionin lippu/Saksan lippu | Backup:
| Contributor
- co-founder
سينا أحمد
east of the world is where i’m from.
Abbas Taki
“We’re Only in it for the Money” FZ
Revolutionising Palestinian activism by taking the Palestine flag to the streets - in marathons, weekly training runs, and Friday pickets. #run4freePalestine
Yves Sauriol
“La guerre sans l'aimer” Bernard-Henri Levy
Intel Cat
Current events but mostly Middle East and US politics
Ali Haidar
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. #FreeZakzaky #FreePalestine #Resistance
علي هاشم
JnoubiLibanonin lippu #ShiaGenocide
محمد باخ
تو! رهروی دیرینه سرمنزلِ عشقی
Director of the Future of US Initiative at the Persian Gulf Council. Senior Advisor
. Ex Kornet dealer
KipinätHeraldinen liljaPerhonen**SLV IN THE SKY WITH ELI+DIAMONDS**.PerhonenHeraldinen liljaKipinät
**Returning To Sibirsk'.** **WXIII Ending. ** **ÄÄÄÄÄ** NO FOLLOWERS.
فاتحIranin lippu
صالح أبو عزة
Lawyer, Legal And Political Writer, Jenin-Palestine.
Pro-Resistance & Anti-zionist
someone who is a brother for brothers and a sister for sisters , wise old man .
hamid Iranin lippuKolmionmuotoinen lippu pylväässä
marriedSormus material science engineer/ medical student at #iautmu/ LFC+RMD
Jihad Ammar
Hasan illaik
asad abukhalil أسعد أبو خليل
Professor at California State University, Stanislaus. Obviously, my views/satire are my own and not of the university where I teach or the city where I live.
Qassem S Qassem
Newspaper كل شي بكتبه هون ما خص الجريدة او حزب الله او اي حدا في. كل شي هون نابع من عقلي الباطني الحاقد الكاره لكل شيء شكراً جزيلا جدا
Jihad B.
Mohamad Ahmad
Anti-zionist and not anti-semitic/proud muslima and Resistance lover/شيعية وافتخرPunainen sydän/Hope dies lastRuusu/ Libanonin lippuKädenpuristusIranin lippu
علي شعيب || #فلسطين_قضيتي Palestiinan lippu Libanonin lippu
مراسل قناة المنار وإذاعة النور Satelliittiantenni Al-Manar and Al-Nour Radio reporter Videokamera تلغرام
Pöllöأبا الفضل العباس بيطار Skorpioni
IT Support Officer 🖥 Tech & Gaming Nörtin kasvot
يونس الزعتري #عين_على_العدو
متابعة أخبار العدو الصهيوني #عين_على_العدو تيليغرام
“Gönüllü Köleler özgür olmak isteyenlerden nefret eder”.
Alabbass ayoub العبّاس أيوب LentokonePöllö
#AvGeek #طيران_2021 Your best Aviation info provider - Former Aircraft mechanic | المجد للطيران - بوم ليل نهار
Libanonin lippu
dsa are mensheviks | researching the social every day
تغطية الجزيرة للأخبار العاجلة على مدار الساعة، للاطلاع على التقارير والتغطيات للأحداث على الساحتين العربية والدولية
Σάββατο 8 Μαΐου 2021
Ei Mitään syytä olla surulline China conducted close monitoring over entire re-entry of #LongMarch5B remnants on Sun and had shared relevant forecast via intl cooperation mechanism in advance,
Vuosina 1961–2020 korkein toukokuun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla eli 1.–15.5. mitattu lämpötila on 29,6°C. Näin korkealle lämpötila on noussut 14.5.2010 ja 15.5.2018.
Varhaisin ajankohta vuosina 1961–2020, jolloin lämpötila on noussut hellelukemiin, on ollut 3.5. Tuona päivänä vuonna 1990 lämpötila nousi Pohja Pohjankurun havaintoasemalla, Tammisaaren pohjoispuolella, lukemaan 25,7°C.

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