Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Louisiana was intended to be a lively sanctuary for ordinary people, far from the city. The objective was to create a new way of visiting a museum: Art, ...

Antti Alaja ‏@AlajanAntti 2 t2 tuntia sitten On politiikassa ennenkin vedetty lukuja hatusta: ranskalaisvirkamies ideoi tunnissa EU:n 3% alijäämäsäännön. http://www.voxeurop.eu/en/content/news-brief/2776341-secret-3-finally-revealed …kakais kaksi kalaa ja koukounoupidiWell I am off to bed now Natalia, had another busy day Speak tomorrow out again in morning 😴💝😴 An indigenous armed struggle against Portuguese rule in Angola began in 1961. In 1977 an Angolan government was recognized by the U.N., although the U.S. was one of the few nations that opposed this action https://www.popularresistance.org/us-has-killed-more-than-20-million-in-37-nations-since-wwii/

2 σχόλια:

  1. The sole video in existence documenting the moment that two greek policemen (Korkoneas & Saraliotis) fire shots against youngsters hanging out at Mesollogiou Street in the Exarcheia area of Athens, killing 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, just few minutes after 9 pm, on the night of 6 December 2008.
