Κυριακή 6 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Hector Morenco ‏@hectormorenco 5. marraskuuta 8. Dick Cheney, George Bush, & the neocons used the 9/11 attack as an opportunity to overthrow Saddam and restore the petrodollar standard.

The petrodollar motivates the rest of the world to hold dollars in reserve accounts so that they can use those Dollars to pay for oil.. When Saddam announced in November 2000 that Iraqi oil would priced in EUROs instead of Dollars US debt was 5.6 trillion. This meant America had to reduce its debt to avoid a currency collapse resulting other countries dumping their Dollar reserves........11. In 2009 the Tamar gas field is discovered & Qatar wanted to build a pipeline through Syria to sell the gas in the European market. Hector Morenco ‏@hectormorenco 5. marraskuuta 12. Assad rejected the Qatar proposal because they wanted, to protect their Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplier of petroleum.17. In 2011 Gaddafi planned to sell Libyan oil sold in another currency backed by gold, which would have caused a US dollar collapse.19. In March 2012 Iran announced it was going to use a basket of currencies to price its oil rather than dollars.

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