Τρίτη 18 Απριλίου 2017

#Antifa Anarchists march in the heart of a fascists's area (#AthensVikaa on, mutta pärjään. 😉 Välillä jäädyn ja nauran "väärissä paikoissa"..., #Greece) by @kinimatini

Who do I believe? I tend to believe those I find sincere and whose statements are coherent, consistent, and not belied by their actions. I believe ISIS when they say they want to destroy the Syrian secular state and create their caliphate. I believe Al Qaeda and the multitude of other Islamist terror organisations that threaten terrible violence of the kind they routinely execute. I believe the ordinary people who live in Syria and say they just want to be left to live their lives in peace. I find I also believe, on the basis of scores of interviews I’ve now seen, that the Syrian president is doing all he can to fulfil the wish of the latter against threats of the former. I believe his claims that the foreign states’ regime change agenda has nothing to do with trying to do right by the Syrian people. If that makes me an ‘Assad Apologist’, I make no apology. For anyone who thinks Iraq or Libya today have better governance than Syria’s government-protected areas do is not someone I would feel capable of debating with. Of course, Syria could do a lot better still, and the Syrian people should be free to choose their government. My instinct, for what it’s worth, tells me that Bashar Al Assad and the First Lady Asma Al Assad long for such a day to come. But the nation’s sovereignty has first to be fully restored. .......oooooo I have stopped believing reports about Syria from Amnesty International, an organisation I actively supported for two decades. For no report I have seen produces credible evidence to support its claims about the war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed by the Syrian government. I illustrate this here, and here, and I further show how the organisation has been captured by people with no interest in human rights here. I fear there seems to be a similar problem even in some parts of MSF’s organisation. As for the news outlets, with almost nobody on the ground, they provide little coverage of areas that are under legitimate government, while, from occupied areas, they rely heavily on terrorist sources like Al Qaeda, under its various rebrandings. And our government? It provides funds, weapons and training for Al Qaeda. Some of this goes into the PR campaign sustained as White Helmets. If you are inclined to believe what the White Helmets say, then I suggest you watch the Oscar-winning documentary about them and ask yourself one simple question: where are the terrorists? I assume that anyone who is reading these words does not need me to make any comment about poor little Bana Alabed. But you might know people who do, so please be gentle with them. We are all at different stages of learning about how we are misled.Exclusive: Trump administration expected to open a diplomatic channel with top Putin aide https://www.buzzfeed.com/johnhudson/exclusive-trump-administration-expected-to-open-diplomatic?bftw&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc …-Παλιοζωή, παλιόκοσμε και παλιοκοινωνία. -Πάλι δεν μαγείρεψες ε ; -Ναι. Käännä kielestä kreikka 1 vastaus 210 uudelleentwiittausta 210 tykkäystä Vastaa 1 Uudelleentwiittaa 210 Tykkää 210 Yksityisviesti Afroditi A. uudelleentwiittasi Διαβολάκι‏ @wednesdaya80 14. syyskuuta Lisää -Έφτιαξα γλυκό σταφύλι για μια ώρα ανάγκης. -Μαμά μην ετοιμάζεσαι γαμπρό δεν φέρνω.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Rasti ruutuun: minä myös juon arkiaamuisin kahvia vasta töissä. #wuhuu Olenko silloin jo hereillä, on eria asia. 😉

  2. länsimaissa on käytössä yksivaiheinen unikulttuuri, jossa vuorokaudessa on yksi pitkä unijakso. Kaksivaiheisessa unikulttuurissa vuorokaudessa on kaksi unijaksoa; tällainen on esimerkiksi Espanjan perinteinen unikulttuuri, johon kuuluu yöunen lisäksi iltapäivän siesta. Monivaiheisessa unikulttuurissa, kuten Japanissa ja Kiinassa, on tavallista ottaa aina tilaisuuden tullen nokoset.[34]
