Τρίτη 31 Αυγούστου 2021

voittamassa . mitä


5 σχόλια:

  1. ing. The thought comes to me when she stands among the blooming blackthorn and cannot smell it, when she asks me to taste the salt in the gravy, because that sense has gone, when she suffers painful, sudden, memory lapses only I would notice, and begs me to ignore them. My mother has borne years of debilitating illness and always put her head up, bright and brave, always gone out on the street and found her solace in talking to people. But when I persuade her out in these early days of quarantine, families do elaborate shunning dances around us, pulling their little ones away

  2. y dad watches, worries about his new Parkinson’s diagnosis, the dystonia in his neck, which presses his chin to his chest, his cancer, resurgent again, and always, his depression. Each day we walk the same loop round the meadow and each day he finds it longer. He talks much more than he used to about the past: his school, the brother and sister and cousin he lost when they were young. He talks – and he has never done this before – about his own father, Henry, absent on naval intelligence missions


  3. The only hope, we work out, of getting my mother out of hospital and of her seeing any of us again, is to move her and my father into a private nursing home where they can share a quarantined room. My father is willing. The hospital says it is possible

  4. council phones to tell me that I am entitled to carer support, but as there aren’t any carers, I won’t be getting any. But when it all gets too gruelling, my brother appears, my cousin, my niece and nephew, my children, and we manage. My father rallies to listen to messages and say goodbye to us, then struggles, then sleeps, then, after 10 days, dies. The primary cause of death is certified as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or a broken heart. Covid-19, as it is for my mother, is listed as a secondary cause.


  5. Οξύ Zen
    Μήτσο βάλε κάτι για τα κουνούπια.

    Όχι μουσική ρε μαλάκαααα
