Many Western journalists feel they don’t have to observe the basic journalism ethics when covering China. Sheep spend their whole life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd Russia in not just a country, it's a whole civilization
Δευτέρα 10 Ιανουαρίου 2022
Helps my body To walk
Venäjän tukemat separistit tulittivat Georgialaisia, he eivät hyökänneet Georgiaan. Osapuolet tulittivat toisiaan säännöllisesti. Georgia hyökkäsi, koska ajatteli pääsevänsä Joulukuussa NATOon. Tammikuussa Obama saattaisi olla puikoissa ja ovet eivät olisikaan olleet auki.All demonstrations against the Democratic party in US- are riots. People, who took part in these are wanted by the FBI.
All violent riots in countries Democratic party does not like - are "peaceful demonstrations", even if the rioters kill & behead the police&burn gov buildingsElena Evdokimova
Fake history, where Bandera is not a WWII Nazi collaborator, but a hero who fought Nazi. Your discriminatory to ethnic minorities language laws.
No one is attacking the mainland Ukraine-practically all civilian victims died from Ukrainian shelling of Donbass. Is this life-normal?
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The system seems biased against scientific fields, particular approaches, women, …. And it may shock you, but cronyism is also quite pervasive. As one paper puts it, committee membership is more self-service than service (13/16)
“We failed to get the majority of the planet vaccinated within a timeframe that prevented the virus from mutating & evolving enough to bypass vaccines? Now we need a new one? Ohmygod if only we had been warned about this!”
Helsingin osallistuvan budjetoinnin loppuarviointi on julkaistu! #OmaStadi onnistunut, mutta sitä tulee kehittää osana lähidemokratiaa yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseksi. Myös selkeämmät tavoit