Many Western journalists feel they don’t have to observe the basic journalism ethics when covering China. Sheep spend their whole life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd Russia in not just a country, it's a whole civilization
Παρασκευή 26 Ιουνίου 2015 kyylä minä onnistuin tekemään ruokaa (itselleni) jääkapissa jäätynyt pippuri on aika hyvä.haha ompas hyvä hame miähel whitney goot.19 astetta eikä mieli uloos;;ments for this thread are now closed.
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Human6 • 24 days ago
One should avoid mere radical-sounding bluster, but one feels compelled to write the following:
The EU and US capitalist-imperialist dictatorships, NATO, the UN (and League of Nations before it) are truly a gang of degenerates, a den of thieves, an alliance of imperial brigands.
As class, social, political, and economic institutions, they constitute the bulwark of world reaction. They are a repudiation of the French Revolution, The US revolutionary and Civil Wars, and the European Enlightenment.
Capitalism completely exhausted any progressive role in any part of the world, after the early 1880s (the final successful revolutions were the US, German, and Japanese.) By my count, that means it's shattering by the labourers is overdue by around 130 years.
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ChrisRFLM699 Human6 • 24 days ago
Yes, these various institutions representing and speaking for the bourgeoisie have long betrayed their own revolutionary (British, French, US) history. America worst of all, the American revolution, the American civil war, this will not be lost on workers.
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imaduwa Human6 • 23 days ago
Just see within that 130 years the calamity for which imperialism has been responsible. No decent human can live in this world now if he is not with the ICFI.
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Carolyn Zaremba Human6 • 23 days ago
Lenin referred to the League of Nations as "that thieves' kitchen".
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Kannan Nades Human6 • 23 days ago
This is the perspective "developed" by the already "talented" and now "enlightened" "Marxist" Human6 for the Greek and Eastern bloc "working class".
"One of the most important tasks for a Greek section of the revolutionary Marxian vanguard will be to take up the immediate task of educating the masses that the EU, a capitalist-imperialist institution, is their ENEMY. The call needs to be to shatter the EU and replace it with a workers' state.
The pseudo-left charlatans and agents of the bourgeoisie would immediately try to fool the Greek people by pointing several indubitable facts
1. the NATO powers of Germany, France, England, the UK, and US would immediately try to intervene to crush such a development.
2. the consciousness of the world workers is not homogenous, the workers in those powerful states are not currently up to the consciousness level needed to carry out such an overturn of capitalism.
3. the probability of overturning capitalism and imperialism in every nation in the world simultaneously in a 24 hour period is almost nil.
Marxian vanguard will have to earn the confidence of the Greek workers with a correct strategy.
Let us say tomorrow the toilers were to shatter the capitalist dictatorship within Greece, a workers' state declared.
In terms of the immediate aftermath, Greek toilers would find their natural ally in the Turkish, Egyptian, Albanian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, Cypriot, Kosovar, Lebanese, and Serbian toilers, great majorities of whom hate the capitalist systems in their own countries, and in the former workers states, view the old systems as superior. The Greek victory could easily spread to those countries. A Balkan and Near Eastern federation of workers states could prove a powerful deterrent to the NATO powers. It would also deal a blow to the hold of bourgeois public opinion in countries like France and Germany, and even UK and US."
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Sebouh80 • 24 days ago
To be honest, I believe we are at a critical historical stage where a major revolutionary uprising taking shape and form in either Europe or America will have long reverberating effects around the world. Of course, at the end of the day all revolutionary movements will be judged by what they built not what they destroy. One thing is for certain that is Capitalism has now reached its twilight stage which is its own survival now depends on more renewed imperialist conflicts over scarce resources, and this is evident in many geographical locations around the world. All this is vital in order for capital accumulation to resume uninterrupted. However, the costs of preserving this system in question is becoming a real challenge to human civilization.
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νιαου-νιαου • 23 days ago
"rationally and gradually.” this phrase perfectly sums up SYRIZA's objections to the EU's "reform" demands. As Baroufakis and his government have made clear a thousand times already they are totally willing to proceed with the "reform" agenda. The only thing which worries them is the rapidity by which the "institutions" demand these reforms to be implemented. Varoufakis' government is aware of the old wisdom which says that a boiling frog will jump off the pot if you attempt to increase the temperature very fast but the frog won't react until its too late if you do it slowly enough. In other words what SYRIZA's leadership is afraid of is that if they attempt to bring at once to parliament all of these "reforms" their government might collapse the next(if not the same) day and almost certainly it would cause a major split in the party with many of its lower members(and even some higher ones) deserting it en masse.
As for the "institutions'" profound unwillingness to consider SYRIZA's reasonable request for taking the slow approach it can be explained in two basic ways.
One is that the creditors are trying to set an example by turning SYRIZA's brief term into power into a monumental failure. By politically destroying not so much what SYRIZA actually IS but rather what it SYMBOLISES in the fantasy of many European "leftists", "anti-austeritarians", etc, they wish to teach the greek electorate as well as their electorates that electoral opposition to austerity not only will lead nowhere but it may even make things worse by provoking the wrath of the EU High Priesthood.
Another possible reason why Schauble and his gang are trying to needlessly wreck Tsipras' term into office is because they want to politically resurrect their allies in the EU Parliament meaning Samaras and his Party which they still trust a lot more than the highly unstable SYRIZA.
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dmorista • 24 days ago
The difference in how Ukraine and Greece are treated is striking. It is worthwhile, however, to look at the GeoStrategic aspects of this on the major power level (whose respective working classes suffer differing levels of privation and repression). There are now two main Capitalist power blocs; the U.S.-led Finance Capital Bloc and the Chinese-led Eurasian Industrial Capital Bloc and it brings many events into focus to view global developments this way. Ukraine, on the border of Russia, is a much more dangerous pawn for the Finance Capital Bloc, than is Greece. Russia, would prefer to maintain trade and diplomatic relations with the E.U., and even with the U.S. if possible, as a counterweight to Chinese and other East and South Asian powers. The fascist putsch, and resultant Ukrainian coup regime, push very hard against the chance for favorable relations with the U.S.-led bloc. Greece has no similar level of backing and/or trade relations with the Eurasian Bloc, or other BRICS nations; and it is extremely unlikely that that power bloc will risk seriously helping Greece (e.g., a loan at favorable terms from the new BRICS Bank would be a very helpful recourse for the hard-pressed country).
The Finance Capital Bloc is a declining power bloc. Their domestic populations are at best indifferent and often hostile towards these foreign adventures that must be carried out with small "Special Forces" units and mercenaries. Other more or less leftist movements are gaining power in Southern Europe (Spain and Portugal for the moment) and resistance and disorder are not too far beneath the surface in most of the Finance Capital Bloc; including the U.S. Of course, right-wing movements are also gaining strength in Europe and the U.S. and Japan.
The Eurasian Bloc is composed of countries where a larger portion of the population is becoming prosperous but there are still huge numbers of very poor exploited people; a legacy of Colonialism and Globalized Capitalism. Russia, by virtue of its geographical location, is naturally a member of the Eurasian Bloc and the idiotic Finance Bloc's gambit in Ukraine is ensuring that this is emphatically the case.
The current great "Workshop of the World" is the East Asian Pacific Coastal region, including Japan, S. Korea, and Taiwan along with China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and many others. So far Japan, S. Korea, and Taiwan are still allied with the Finance Capital Bloc, though they maintain very large economic relations with China and other East and South Asian countries. The many countries located on the periphery of China have long histories of fear of Chinese domination and resistance to it. A clever ruling class in the West would figure out how to utilize this long historical antagonism, but the current rulers of West are not a particularly clever group or capable of long-term planning.
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imaduwa dmorista • 23 days ago
What is lacking in this set of ideas is that the significance of US military might which it has no hesitation to use to achieve world domination. Therefore only ICFI line of action can work positively. Appeal to the international working class to replace capitalism. Until then decent humans are on the way for their doom.
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dmorista imaduwa • 23 days ago
First let me state that I think WSWS is at the very top of information sources in the entire media world, the analysis is excellent, the information reliable, and the site fears no topic. And, I agree with the exhortations to true revolutionary change at the end of many articles and in your comment. As to whether or not such change will occur or, if as an alternative, the Earth is destroyed as a suitable place for human life I am less sanguine.
There have been truly revolutionary upheavals in poor countries with majority peasant populations that, while imperfect, offered alternative paths to development than the monopoly Capitalist Oligopolies found in the developed countries (Mexico, Russia, and China would be the big three examples here joined by many smaller places, e.g. Cuba). In the developed countries the working and middle classes managed to win significant concessions, generally extracted during times of crisis for the Capitalists. Revolutionary change in the developed countries has, uniformly been negative and fascistic.
I am writing from the U.S. and it is worth pointing out that the military power of the U.S. is far over rated. The U.S. military has lost every war it has fought since WW 2 (where the USSR and China took the overwhelming brunt of the land fighting and casualties against Germany and Japan respectively). Where actual American military force has been applied to any significant foe since WW 2, the best the U.S. could manage was a draw in Korea and it was decisively defeated in S.E. Asia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The pathetic bleating of Bush the elder, about the end of the Vietnam limitation on U.S. actions, after the attacks on Grenada and Panama only serve as an illustration of the exceptions that prove the rule.
The military response to the signal defeat in S.E. Asia was to quit fighting colonial wars with conscript forces (a very amateurish gambit in fact) and transform the U.S. military into a "professional" force that paid at or above market wages with very heavy advertising and recruitment in disadvantaged areas to round up the personnel. In addition, since this could not raise a large enough force for their ongoing operations, and in accordance with the ongoing privatization of formerly public services in the U.S., the ruling class developed large mercenary and covert forces (many of them mercenaries as well). The composition and nature of the U.S. military and associated mercenary forces now resembles the French Foreign Legion much more than it does the traditional citizen soldier forces of pre-Vietnam America.
Furthermore, the ruling class slowly changed over to a much more authoritarian domestic society, first using the canard of street crime and particularly the "War on Drugs" as the pretexts. Following the extremely fishy events of 9/11 this process accelerated and now the police state in the U.S. has repealed rights that go back to the Magna Carta. These are not signs of strength, however, but are rather the death rattle of a system that can no longer provide a decent life for a growing proportion of its citizens.
The U.S. ruling class has had more success in its overseas adventures when it uses covert and "death squad" type tactics than when it commits its own military forces. Thus Angola, the Congo, Indonesia, Iran, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile , Nicaragua, and many others have felt impact of coups d'etat, assassinations of popular reformist leaders, and other horrific covert interventions. Even these "successful" operations generally end up with some sort of response, after a generation, in the targeted societies that is, more or less, hostile to U.S. Capital's interests.
The other question, as to the viability of the U.S. ruling class' ability to continue their level of dominance of global affairs are the deteriorating social and physical infrastructure conditions inside the U.S. A university education is becoming unobtainable for many people, the water and transportation systems are starting to break down, the level of cynicism and distrust the population is very high (even if it does not necessarily redound to the advantage of the fairly moribund U.S. left). After a decade or two when China built a huge highway system and several thousand miles of high-speed rail lines, with plans to extend them to Moscow and tie in with the European systems; in the U.S trains limp along more slowly than they did in 1930 with only one line, from Boston to D.C. that is even remotely "high speed". These kinds of comparisons can be made over a multitude of areas.
I would like to read or hear about a comprehensive plan for how the U.S. populace could bring about the implementation the ICFI line in this society; this is also addressed to any WSWS moderator who reads this, point out some reading in your literature that addresses the question of how to successfully transform developed Capitalist societies, I will gladly read the material and think about what it proposes. More likely, I think, is the chance that another "New Deal" set of reforms could be forced on the ruling class; either that or a descent into some nightmarish fascist regime in the midst of various severe environmental and economic problems.
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Mr. • 23 days ago
The differential treatment between Greece and the Ukraine by the IMF, partially comes down to the fact that, Ukraine's gold has already been stolen by them (or another arm of the same parasite).
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John Ellis • 23 days ago
A grand solution --- An attitude adjustment
Capitalism is where people feel they deserve more, which gives them a guilty conscience if ever they fail to enrich themselves upon the misery of those in a lower class.
On the other hand, socialism is where people feel they deserve less, which gives them a guilty conscience if ever they fail to give all they can give.
So, it all depends upon if life is an unalienable right and we deserve to be all we can be. For my thought is, life is a free gift and we own nothing, surely we deserve nothing.
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imaduwa John Ellis • 23 days ago
To each according to his needs and from each according to his ability. That system of society can be accomplished.
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FailedEvolution • 24 days ago
Greece: The return of ERT and its role to the class war
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sufferingsuccatash • 24 days ago
"The imperialist governments are well aware that if billions of Euros are handed to Kiev, the entire sum will be spent on war."
More likely "a good portion of those billions will be stolen by the oligarchs controlling levers of power in Kiev and the fascist militias." And if that diverts money from continuing the conflict, and muddles the western capitalists' plans for further plunder, then that will be a good thing.
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νιαου-νιαου sufferingsuccatash • 23 days ago
It goes without saying that the oligarchs will have to get their percentage if any deal is to proceed. But the west is not stupid they will stop funding if they see that their henchmen are not doing what they're being paid to do. And the oligarchs in their turn are not so stupid to disappoint their sponsors.
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imaduwa νιαου-νιαου • 23 days ago
You are right. Chinese financial oligarchy is stupid. It willingly approved the theft by SriLANKAN ruling elite from 2005 to 20015. Masses are in dire straight now. 92% OF GOVERNMENT REVENUE IN Srilanka goes for debt payment.
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sufferingsuccatash νιαου-νιαου • 23 days ago
You are right viaou----there is a delicate balance between theft and murder that the henchmen must consider in following orders.
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imaduwa sufferingsuccatash • 23 days ago
Good to have theft being brought to the fore. Down with financial oligarchy!
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Δευτέρα 22 Ιουνίου 2015
josssa loma epäonnistu
aas on se aika, se hetki vuodesta, jolloin rakastan kauheasti kaikkia rakkaitani, ja nautin siitä, että on ihmisiä ympärillä. Ei tarvitse nukkua yksin, ei tarvitse syödä yksin, ei tarvitse tehdä yhtään päätöstä yksin, voi jopa heittäytyä toisten turviin ja antaa mennä. Voi unohtaa itsensä ja kipunsa ja kolotuksensa. Voi olla ryhmän jäsen, voi olla pieni ja avuton, voi kysyä, mitä nyt tehdään. Voi luottaa, että joku päättää puolestasi. Voi mikä lepo! Miten helppoa elämä voi olla! Kun on joku. En olisi uskonut, en muistanut, miten kepeää oleminen voi olla, mikä ilo toinen ihminen on. En oikeastaan edes tiennyt, millaisessa puristuksessa ja ahdistuksessa minun on täytynyt elää jo pitkään. Voi minua Iines-rukkaa, miten pieni ja yksinäinen oikeasti olen.
c21 september ri dictatorship of finance capital: Greece and Ukraine
13 June 2015
As Greece teeters on the verge of bankruptcy, European Union officials are tightening the screws on the indebted country.
They are demanding that Greece repay its debts and further slash pensions as a precondition for new loans. They have replied to Syriza’s brief delay in repaying 300 million euros by threatening to cut off credit to Greece and push its state and financial system into bankruptcy. This could force Greece to reintroduce its own national currency to avert a collapse of its banks and even set into motion the dissolution of the euro currency and the EU itself.
Berlin is adopting a “hardline, ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ approach,” the Financial Times wrote yesterday, citing one euro zone official who said, “The only answer they’re looking for from the Greeks is to say ‘yes.’”
As the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank walked out of talks with Greek officials, Donald Tusk, the former Polish prime minister and current European Council president, said, “We need decisions, not negotiations, now.”
It is instructive to compare the treatment of Greece with that of another bankrupt country, Ukraine. In the same edition as the article citing European officials on Greece, the Financial Times has an editorial demanding a diametrically opposed policy in Ukraine, calling on creditors to forgive much of its debt.
Ukraine’s creditors, the Financial Times writes, have a “moral obligation to agree to a restructuring that reduces Ukraine’s debt to sustainable levels.” If Ukraine’s creditors refuse to reach an agreement, the newspaper declares, “Ukraine is right to raise the possibility of declaring a moratorium on debt servicing.” That is, the government in Kiev would be right to delay payments to its creditors, as Greece briefly did to the IMF, or even to cancel them outright.
Why does the journalistic voice of European finance capital wax lyrical on a “moral obligation” to aid the Kiev regime even as it demands no let-up in the financial strangulation of Greece?
“Staving off Greek collapse is vital to the euro zone’s stability, but its strategic importance is dwarfed by that of Ukraine,” the Financial Times explains. Pointing to the Kiev regime’s role in fighting a “proxy war” against neighboring Russia in eastern Ukraine, the newspaper adds, “On an issue of such geopolitical magnitude, private financial interests cannot be allowed to dictate public policy.”
Behind the apparent contradiction in the treatment of Greece and Ukraine stand the reactionary class interests of finance capital in the leading imperialist powers, which are pursued with ruthless determination.
Ukraine’s far-right regime is a key cog in the campaign of Washington and NATO for a vast military build-up across Europe, threatening all-out war against Russia. It was installed in a US- and EU-sponsored putsch, led by fascist militias, to serve as the cat’s paw of an imperialist drive to compel Moscow to accept a semi-colonial status.
As it wages a bloody civil war against pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, the Kiev government is slashing jobs and utility subsidies, rehabilitating the legacy of Ukraine’s World War II Nazi-collaborationist forces, and banning public mention of the October Revolution and communism. The imperialist governments are well aware that if billions of euros are handed to Kiev, the entire sum will be spent on war. Not a penny will go to Ukrainian workers.
There are no such geo-strategic considerations when it comes to the regime in Greece. EU officials know the leaders of Greece’s ruling party, Syriza (Coalition of the Radical Left), too well to think of them as a revolutionary threat. However, Syriza was elected on the basis of broad popular opposition to six years of EU austerity and to the country’s traditional parties of government, which had implemented savage cuts.
The European banks are seeking to make clear in relation to Greece that they will not tolerate any concessions to popular opposition to austerity. The looting of billions of euros from workers will continue, no matter what.
The experience of the five months since the election of Syriza in January contains critical lessons for the Greek and international working class. It has vindicated the warning of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) that only the struggle to unify the working class internationally and mobilize it in revolutionary struggle against capitalism offers a way forward.
Syriza assumed power claiming that a deal could be reached with the EU, and that Greek workers’ grievances could be addressed within the framework of capitalism, imperialism and the European Union. To the extent that Syriza had a scheme to somewhat modify the EU’s austerity agenda, it was to exploit tensions between Berlin, the leading power promoting the EU’s austerity policy, and Washington and other European capitals that favor a more stimulative monetary policy.
It made no appeal to the explosive anger against austerity building up in the working class in Germany, Britain, France, across Europe and in the US. Instead, it aligned itself with the foreign policy of imperialism, declining to veto EU sanctions against Russia and cynically abandoning its election promises to reverse austerity, signing a pledge within weeks of taking office to abide by Greece’s previous EU austerity agreements.
It took Syriza no time at all to demonstrate the bankruptcy of its anti-Marxist perspective, rooted in the interests of more privileged sections of the upper-middle class. The United States, Britain and France did not lift a finger to help Greece. Syriza was quickly exposed as a political instrument for the subordination of the working class to a bankrupt social order.
Cuts continue to rain down on the Greek working class, whose living standards are being set back decades. Visiting Berlin Thursday, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis made clear his government’s commitment to even further concessions to the European banks. He called for “surgery” to slash Greek pensions, saying, “We need to find ways of eliminating early retirements, of merging pension funds, of reducing their operating costs, of moving from an unsustainable to a sustainable system, rationally and gradually.”
In the meantime, the imperialist war drive against Russia continues to escalate, with US and NATO officials organizing military exercises across Eastern Europe and threatening pre-emptive missile strikes against Russia. World war is ever more starkly on the political agenda.
What is at stake is the future not only of Greece, but of all of Europe and the entire world. The survival of capitalism and the imperialist world order to which it gives rise poses imminent dangers to the working class and to human civilization itself.
This perspective underlies the struggle of the ICFI to build sections in countries across Europe that will fight to mobilize the working class for the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of the United Socialist States of Europe.


Κυριακή 21 Ιουνίου 2015
vaihtelut voivat olla ilmiön äärilaidoilla. Kaikkein suurimman
yllätyksen tuotti aineistossani johannekselaiselta Matilda Reposelta (o.s.
Väntsi, s. 1874 Kaijalan kylässä) v. 1962 talletettu näyte, jossa -n:n säilymä-
muodot ovat murteen yleisen kannan vastaisesti useissa muotoryhmissä selvä-
nä enemmistönäMečas olen elänűh,
Meččiä olen suvainnuh:
Koivut, kuuzet, pedäjät –
Kaikin űhtes kazvanuot.
Enzi rivi – mua da nurmet.
Toizel-must’oi tuhjozet
Sitgi, mägűččbuolat –
Ruskevutah karjazet.
Kolmas rivi – kazvajat,
Puuloin lapset-taimenet.
Puolitostu metristu
ella merkitsee äänteen pehmentymistä eli liudentumista, esim. ol’ (=
Hiekkanmatha ne pellot ol’liit. Mut se ko mikält kasvo viljoa siihe
tul’ hyvä terä siihe hiekkanmaha, se terä tul’ hyvä, ja ne elot tul’liit
hyvvii. Mut ko niitä, voimoa vua niihe pan’ni, kylhä ne kasvoit. Siel
ol’ mutasuo ni, siel veättii muttoa niil hiekkapeltoloil. Se ol’ hyvi
lähel meitä semmon’e, enne sannoit sitä Herrasuoks ko ol’ herroin
aika, ni sit siint sai jokahine, mikä kuulu muttoa siint.
Lehmät kävivät väljämetsillä
Siel ko ol’liit, joka kyläl ol’liit etempeäl siel ne metsäpalstat, no niit
ei kukkoa aitont ni sit ne siel käivät, ja ne peäs’ sin lik Huuhin
kylleä, mänemeä mut, ei ne männiet nii etäs, ne käivät, paimenet
ol’liit kans niil, ja sit ne ajjoit lounoal kot’tii niitä, ja iltapuol ol’t
likempän siit. Siel ol’ semmon’e se karjanhoito. Ei siel olt viel
monel sitä karjamoata olt teht jot eriksie.
Puiminen päreen valossa
Mie olil lapsen ko käim pärettä pitämäs jo riihes - - - Riihe uunim
piäl ol’ siel semmon’e rauta ni, siihem pit sit panna pärettä ain ko
toine loppu. Ei sitä siihen aikoa olt sitä ... No sit ne alkoit pitteä
lamppuloikii mut se päre näytti paremmi ko se palo ko ne pärreitä
kettiit ne ol’t kuivat, ko se pien lamppu.
Mitä rajan sulkeutuminen vaikutti Raudun maanviljelyyn
Sillo ko eij olt neät heineä niim paljo eik olt kylvyheineä ko ne
ol’liit niittyh-, viel, -muan, enimmäksie niittyheineä; sit vast ko tul’
se jot ei Pietarist soant enneä tuuvva ni sit vast ihmist käivät sit
maita viljelemmeä oikei ja kaik suot kyntämeä, ja tekemeä pelloks
ja, ja viljelemmeä, se siihe astikka se muavviljelys eij olt nii hyväs
kunnos. Ko sim Pietarii kuka mitä vei heineä taik vei olkil sielt sai
tavaroa toas’. Mut sit ko ei peäst sinne sit se loppu se ni sit ihmist
käivät kaik kyntämeä muat tarkkoa, ja viljelemmeä. Sillo eij olt ko
miekii olin lapsen ni eihä sillo olt kylvyheineä siel kelleä, muuta ko,
ne kasvoit pellolkii vua mitä heineä kasvo, ja suoniityl toas’ suoheineä
siel ja, siel ol’ pehkuo ja puuta ja, sit ne kaik ne tul’liit ne,
puhistetuks ja tehyks pelloks ja, viljan ja heinän sit kasvoit.
Entisajan vaatetus
No siihe aikoa neät kuottii ja kaik tehtii vuattiet koton. Pellovoasta
kasvatettii, pellovoasta se miehillekkii ol’, sarkoa ja, ja sit toas’
semmos’ta jot rihmaloimet ja villakuttiet jokapäiväs’ii vuatteihe ja,
ja alusvuattiet kaik koton, ne kuottii ja tehtii. Eihä sillo, sillo eij olt
sitä rahhoa niij ja, tult, ostoa ni, se ol’ se, kot’teko vua, ja miehet
pittiit niitä. Joskus sit pyhävuattiet ne ol’liit ne, ostovuattiet ni, mut
jokapäiväist vuattiet ni ... Ja miehilkii ol’ kuottu puunmu’loimii
toas’ villakuttiel teht. Nyt ei nykyveksie enneä neä niitä. Ja sillo yöl
ni, naisiim pit niitä yöl tehhä niitä ketreämissii ja, niitä kutomissii.
Kyllä sillo enemmä tehhä sai - - -.
Sillom paistoit piirasta ja, perunoist ja ryynistä ja, pulloa ja, ja ol’ha
siin sit, paistiloi ja, ei niitä sillo nyt olt semmos’ii makkaroi ja
sellas’ii syöniet ja olt, jouluruuvviks ni, mut sillo vua paistoit
kaikenlaista kotonta. Ja paistii sit lihapaistii ja, ja kuka heä sit tek
ryynpuuruo ja jottai sellas’ta. - - - Ja sit tekkiit sitä, niinko, sannoit
lihhoa pan’niit kuore sisseä, ruistahtoa sisseä, jouluks tekkiit sellas’ta
Iihapiirakkoa ja. Ja enne tekkiit kauraryynii, us’jast näi, kaurat
hautoit ja sit niistä, eistäi ko keitettii ja sit kuivattii ja, ja sit niist
kauraryynilöist, niitähä ne enne tekkiit kauraryynist piirakkoa. Hyvä-
hä se ol’kii sekkii ko, sitä, siihe kelpas’ mavuks vaik mitä pan’.

Παρασκευή 19 Ιουνίου 2015
Mr Varoufakis told Die Zeit: “Why does a kilometer of freeway cost three times as much where we are as it does in Germany? Because we’re dealing with a system of cronyism and corruption.
uloksellisesti euroryhmäkokous kuitenkin epäonnistui. Se ei löytänyt ratkaisua Kreikan päälle kaatuvaan velkakriisiin. Asetelma oli yhä Kreikka vastaan kaikki muut.
Stubb sai silti yllättävän uuden tuttavan, Kreikan valtiovarainministerin Gianis Varoufakisin.
Varoufakis yltyi jopa kehumaan Stubbia myöhään torstai-iltana kansainvälisessä lehdistötilaisuudessa.
"Todella nautin tapaamisesta Alexander Stubbin kanssa. Odotan innolla työskentelyä hänen kanssaan", Varoufakis sanoi.
Stubb ei ole kehuista vaivautunut, päinvastoin. Stubb kuvaa yhteyttä Varoufakisiin hyväksi.
"Hän vaikutti oikein mukavalta kollegalta. Vaihdoimme perjantaina jo kännykkänumerot ja myös tekstailimme. Eiköhän tässä juhannusviikonvaihteessa vielä soitellakin."
"Ministerin tehtävä on verkottua mahdollisimman nopeasti ja laajasti kollegoiden kanssa. Varsinkin tilanteessa, jolloin ollaan veitsenterällä, on hyvä, että kontaktit ovat myös viikonlopulle ja keskusteluja varten valmiina. "
Stubb kiistää, että hän yrittäisi toimia Kreikan kriisin rauhanvälittäjänä.
"Ei, ei missään nimessä. Olen ihan normaali vaatimaton valtiovarainministeri, en muuta."
Varoufakisin puheenvuoroa euroryhmässä Stubb luonnehtii "pitkäksi ja mielenkiintoiseksi". Kollegojen puheenvuoroja ei kokouksissa ole kuitenkaan tapana arvioida.
Stubb itse ei sanonut Kreikasta kokouksessa mitään.
"En puhunut. Kannattaa mennä varovasti, kun tulee ensimmäiseen kokoukseen. Minulta oli pyydetty puheenvuoro korkolaskun merkityksestä Suomessa, ja kerroin myös vapaamuotoisesti Suomen taloussuunnitelmasta."
Stubb osallistui EU-kokouksiin nyt jo neljännen ministerisalkun haltijana.
"Joo, polkuni alkoi virkamiehestä europarlamentaarikoksi ja sitten eteni ministerisalkkuihin. Kaikki tehtävät ovat aina olleet mielenkiintoisia ja jänniä."
"Puhun aina, että olen unelma-ammatissa. Ehkä vaikein salkku koskaan oli pääministeri. Ei siitä pääse yli eikä ympäri", hän myöntää.
Valtiovarainministerisalkku poikkeaa Stubbin mukaan ulkoministerin ja ulkomaankauppaministerin salkuista konkreettisuudellaan.
"Tässä on kyse luvuista ja rahasta, nyt myös eurosta, euron kehittämisestä ja tulevaisuudesta. Nuorena virkamiehenä muistan, kuinka myyttisiä piirteitä valtiovarainministerien kokoukset saivat ja nyt on sitten itse mukana", hän huokaa.
Stubb on tunnettu hahmo kokouskäytävillä. Englannin delegaatit esimerkiksi kiittelivät häntä loistavaksi verkottujaksi. Verkottumista Stubb jatkoi täysillä myös Luxemburgin neitsytmatkallaan.
Jo tullessaan torstaina Stubb kertoi olleensa ennen kokousta jo yhteydessä euroryhmän tärkeimpään valtiovarainministeriin, Saksan Wolfgang Schäubleen.
Perjantaiaamulla 7.45 alkaen Stubb söi jo aamupalaa yhdessä EU:n konservatiivipuolueiden EPP-ryhmän delegaattien kanssa.
Tuttuja kasvoja virkamies- ja meppipäiviltä sekä ministeriajoilta oli Luxemburgissa paljon paikalla.
"Hyvät kontaktiverkot näissä kokouksissa ovat a ja o. Esimerkiksi talouskomissaari Pierre Moscovici on ollut myös meppi yhtäaikaa kanssani.
Kreikan kriisistä huolestuneille suomalaisille perusoptimisti Stubbin viesti on rauhoitteleva.
Tsipras is under fire in the EU after his #SPIEF2015 speech. Looks like Tusk and Juncker are unhappy with his openly pro-Russia rhetoricuslim Leader: Co-Existence Possible if French Churches are Converted to Mosques …
Islam doesn't co-exist.
Näytä yhteenveto 3 uudelleentwiittausta 0 suosikkia
Vastaa Uudelleentwiittaa3 SuosikkiFreedomFreedom of speech must always prevail over violence and terror. of speech must always prevail over violence and terror.joka päivä
Σάββατο 13 Ιουνίου 2015
Joo ei se käy


Δευτέρα 8 Ιουνίου 2015
Lukiolaisten ideoima mielenilmaus koulutusleikkauksia vastaan koonnut tuhansia - Akava
Lukiolaisten ideoima mielenilmaus koulutusleikkauksia vastaan koonnut tuhansia - Akava
pieksämäellä on joitakin kahviloita ja kirjasto satmia asemia petrellaio. sukulaisia perheitä tarinoita. jyväskylästä tulee ehkä keskus keuruu uuuuΓνωρίζει καλά πως θα ταξιδέψει, που θα πάρει ταξί ή λεωφορείο και πότε θα περπατήσει, τα επικίνδυνα περάσματα, σε ποια πόλη, από ποια σύνορα. Ξέρει πόσες μέρες θα τους δώσει η αστυνομία στην Σερβία κι ότι στην Βουδαπέστη θα πάρει ταξί με 500 € το κεφάλι, για να φθάσει στον επόμενο σταθμό. Κι έπειτα στην Σουηδία ή Γερμανία.
Ακόμη η μάνα του νομίζει πως είναι στην Τουρκία. Δεν της το έχει πει πως ξεκίνησε το επικίνδυνο το ταξίδι του για να μην κλαίει περισσότερο.
-Εκείνη δεν ήρθε;
-Όχι έμεινε στην Δαμασκό μαζί με τον πατέρα μου. Μου είπαν δεν φεύγουν. Εκεί γεννήθηκαν εκεί θέλουν να πεθάνουν.
Δαμασκός. Η τελευταία πόλη με κάποια ασφάλεια στην Συρία. Έξι εκατομμύρια κόσμος που παλεύει να συνεχίσει την ζωή του. Αν κάποιος δεν ξέρει ίσως να νομίσει πως η ζωή συνεχίζεται. Μόνο οι βόμβες διακόπτουν την καθημερινότητα. Περικυκλωμένη από τον στρατό.
-Στο σχολείο μου τώρα θα κάνουν μάθημα, μου λέει. Να η τάξη μου!
Και βιάζεται να μου δείξει την φωτογραφία των μαθητών του, μια ομάδα κοριτσιών που παίζουν μπάσκετ φορώντας μαντίλι στα μαλλιά. Al wahda club. Είναι σπουδαία ομάδα. Τους βλέπει και γελάει κι έπειτα δείχνει τον εαυτό του στην φωτογραφία. Είναι μόνο 27 χρονών. Θέλει να ζήσει. Να συνεχίσει από εκεί που σταμάτησε. Χωρίς άλλη επιλογή. Μια μέρα η στρατονομία θα χτυπήσει την πόρτα του και θα του ζητήσει να παρουσιαστεί ξανά στο στρατό. Αν αρνηθεί, θα πάει 45 μέρες στην στρατιωτική φυλακή και μετά υποχρεωτικά στο μέτωπο. Εκεί θα πρέπει να σκοτώνει Σύριους. Αν αρνηθεί θα μπει ξανά στην φυλακή. Ώσπου μια μέρα θα σκοτωθεί γιατί θα αρνηθεί να πυροβολήσει τους συμπατριώτες του.
Γι αυτό έφυγε. Δεν έχει άλλο δρόμο. Αν θα γύριζε; Πως αλλιώς; Η Δαμασκός είναι η πιο όμορφη πόλη του κόσμου. Εκεί γεννήθηκε.
-Πριν τον πόλεμο πως ήταν στην Συρία;;
-Αν μιλούσες για κάτι άλλο εκτός από την οικογένεια σου, σε έστελναν φυλακή, ένα χαμόγελο μου απαντά από το διπλανό τραπεζάκι. Έχω κάνει έξι χρόνια στην φυλακή. Γιατί δούλευα στην Σαουδική Αραβία. Ήταν αρκετό για να με στείλει στην φυλακή αυτό. Άφησα την κόρη μου εννέα χρονών. Μόνος στην φυλακή χωρίς να έχω κάνει κάτι. Κι όταν μεγάλωσα, μοναχοπαίδι, και τώρα μόνος πάλι. Στις 4 Μαρτίου ξεκίνησε η επανάσταση, στις 27 Μαρτίου με άφησαν ελεύθερο. Μετά από τόσα χρόνια δεν μπόρεσα να τα βρω με την γυναίκα μου κι έμεινα μόνος.
Έχει γράψει για μένα το Human right watch. Ναι! και χαμογελάει. Είμαι κτηνίατρος. Στην Σουηδία ή τη Νορβηγία θα πάω. Να μάθω την γλώσσα και να συνεχίσω σε ένα πανεπιστήμιο. Είμαι σχεδόν σαράντα αλλά θέλω να συνεχίσω να μαθαίνω. Η ζωή μου στάθηκε δύσκολη αλλά ίσως να φτιάξουν τα πράγματα. Θα βρω μια δουλειά, θα δουλέψω στη γη. Όταν καλλιεργώ είμαι χαρούμενος. Και χαμογελά. Shall I go now my lady? Σηκώνεται υποκλίνεται δίνοντας μου το χέρι και γυρίζει την καρέκλα του προς το τραπέζι για να μιλήσει σε σπαστά αγγλικά με ένα νεαρό αφγανό που συνάντησε ξανά πριν λίγο.
—- – – – –
Σα να φορά στρατιωτικά ρούχα και το περπάτημα του σταθερό και σίγουρο. Βοηθά κάποιον με μπαστούνι να ανεβεί τις σκάλες του πλοίου. Κάθονται κοντά μας γιατί ο νεαρός δεν μπορεί να ανεβεί άλλα σκαλιά. Σε λίγο κάτι ρωτά για το κινητό του. Προσπαθεί να βρει σήμα.
-Από την Δαμασκό είμαι, ναι. Εκεί είναι η οικογένεια μου. Η γυναίκα μου, τα παιδιά μου. Η κόρη μου είναι έντεκα χρονών.
Ψάχνει αμέσως να μου δείξει την φωτογραφία της. Κοιτάζω στο κινητό του. Ένας ευτυχισμένος πατέρας με μια γλυκειά πιτσιρίκα χαμογελούν σε κάποιο πάρκο. Ο εαυτός του είναι εδώ μα όλα τα έχει αφήσει εκεί.
-Μου λείπει πολύ, λέει και κατεβάζει το κεφάλι.
Η δύναμη του έχει σωριαστεί στο πάτωμα. Έφυγε για να μπορέσει να τους πάει να ζήσουν κάπου με ασφάλεια. Χωρίς να φοβούνται να πάνε στο σχολείο.
Η κουβέντα σταματά εκεί. Νεαροί αφγανοί και Σύροι ψάχνουν να φορτίσουν τα κινητά τους. Νιώθουν ελεύθεροι μετά από καιρό. Τώρα είναι στην Ευρώπη κι είναι βράδυ. Ως το πρωί θα ξεκουραστούν κι όταν θα φθάσουν στον Πειραιά η αγωνία θα ξαναρχίσει σε ένα ταξίδι που δεν έχει άλλο δρόμο. Μόνο μπροστά.


Κυριακή 7 Ιουνίου 2015


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