Τετάρτη 19 Αυγούστου 2015

Autumn 2015 Time: Thursdays, 14:15 - 15:45 Venue: Aleksanteri Institute, Unioninkatu 33, Meeting room 2nd floor Please note that the programme may be subject to change. 27 August Magdalena Leichtova, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic Why Crimea Was Always Ours – History, Identity and Geopolitics in Service of Russian Politics Chair of the session: Dr. Hanna Smith Abstract 3 September Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik, Aston University, UK Former Yugoslav Truth Commission: Contested Discourses and Divergent Narratives Chair of the session: Dr. Freek van der Vet 10 September Elena Denisova-Schmidt, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Corruption at Russian Universities: Myths and Realities Chair of the session: Dr. Katalin Miklóssy 24 September Anna Tarasenko, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia Regional Variations of State Withdrawal from Welfare Provision in Russia: Why Interest Groups Matter? Chair of the session: Prof. Vladimir Gel'man 1 October Daniela Steila, University of Turin, Italy Individual and Collective in Russian Marxism Chair of the session: Prof. Vesa Oittinen 15 October Akmal Sokhibov, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany The Implications of Western Sanctions on Counter-narcotics Policy of Russia after 2014 Chair of the session: Dr. Anna-Liisa Heusala 29 October Irina Busygina, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russia The Concept of Rising Powers and the Modes of Rising in Global World (the cases of the EU and Russia) Chair of the session: Dr. Hanna Smith 19 November Rustamjon Urinboev, Lund University, Sweden Plural Legal Orders of Prostitution: An Ethnographic Study of Migrant Sex Workers’ Everyday Experiences of Law in Moscow, Russia Chair of the session: Dr. Kaarina Aitamurto 3 December Gertjan Plets, Stanford University, USA Corporate Security Meets Heritage Politics: Everyday Politics and Cultural Life in Russia's Resource Colonies Chair of the session: Dr. Jussi Lassila You are warmly welcome to attend the Visiting Fellows research seminars!

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