Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου 2021

han pieni oravanmarja hyvin suuressa metsässä. Kesä, alkukesä. Käsi isän kädessä hän kulkee onnellinen pieni tyttö. Polku pistelee. Tulevat tuulet, talvi tulee, eikä aurinko pääse metsän kaikkiin kohtiin. Pieni taluttaa isoa, iso pientä hetken matkaa.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Keir House - colourful owners
    I was in our local garden centre this afternoon when I caught a glimpse of Keir House ,near Dunblane, in the distance, one of Scotland's most secretive country houses with a succession of colourful owners.

    This side view does not do the house justice but such is the security surrounding this house that few people have ever seen it from the front for it is secluded by trees , a long drive and locked gates.

    Sir David Stirling founder of the SAS, lived here.

    Archibald Stirling the flamboyant playboy nephew, known for his gambling and marriage to Diana Rigg sold the house to Saudi businessman
    Mahdi Al Tajir , named as the wealthiest man in Scotland.

    Archie Stirling has been in the news recently because he launched a political party to oppose devolution.

    And Mahdi Al Tajir has hit the headlines too.
    He was charged £500 in Stirling Sheriff court for assault on his girlfriend.

    Such a house in Wales would be the subject of enormous speculation and rumours but in Scotland it is treated with indifference.
